Okay this live journal needs a mood lightener. So for all of those who’ve been pleading for more primate pictures, here’s a simian. This is a photo of Trish interviewing one of the ring-tailed lemurs at the Singapore Zoo. Please click on the link to hear the recording. This is a good way to hear just how well our Bhasa language study is going. You might notice one of the side effects of Jakarta’s smog – it’s changed our voices just a little. She sounds a little like, I don’t know, an Indonesian version of SpongeBob Squarepants.
Click here for Trish's interview with a lemur
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Sure, it sounds a little funny, but I got good tape from that monkey. The lemurs are pissed. They want more bananas and less watermelon. They want all annoying tourists to have their maps taken away so they can't poke the lemurs with them. And most of all, they want the lions and tigers evicted. Sure, the zoo claims it's all secure, but would you want to live next door to some of the world's most notorious killers?
If they don't get what they want, they're going to start throwing some lemur poop. And believe me, these guys are serious.
You know, Trish's voice also clearly resembles one of the Home Star Runner characters.
I saw Brian Beaver at the SPJ awards ceremony on Friday.
"So where's Chad tonight?"
"Oh, he moved to Indonesia."
(laughs) "Really? Never a dull moment with that guy."
Bonne Anniversaire mon ami!
People in the computer lab are looking at me like I'm insane.
I'm gonna put this on my mp3 player and wander around campus with this looping through my head.
Thanks for the weirdness.
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